5 Easy Steps to Mastering Lenggang Kangkung

5 Easy Steps to Mastering Lenggang Kangkung – Halo Antrakasa friends! Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Kali ini saya ingin berbagi Tips menarik mengenai tarian tradisional Indonesia yang cukup populer, yaitu Lenggang Kangkung. Meskipun terlihat mudah, menguasai gerakan-gerakan tarian ini membutuhkan latihan yang terus-menerus. Namun, jangan khawatir, ada 5 langkah mudah yang dapat membantu kalian menguasai Lenggang Kangkung dengan cepat. Simak artikel ini sampai selesai ya!

5 Easy Steps to Mastering Lenggang Kangkung


Lenggang Kangkung is a traditional dance from Indonesia that has gained popularity around the world. This dance is characterized by its unique movements that require coordination and grace. If you’re interested in learning how to master this dance, follow these 5 easy steps.

Step 1: Understand the Basic Movements

The first step in mastering Lenggang Kangkung is to understand the basic movements. These include steps, turns, and arm movements. To get a better understanding, watch videos of the dance or attend a class taught by a professional instructor.

Example: The first movement is the ‘step-skip’ movement, where you take a step forward, then skip and land on your back foot. Pair this with arm movements that follow the rhythm of the music.

Step 2: Practice Makes Perfect

Like any other dance, Lenggang Kangkung requires practice and repetition. Set aside time each day to practice the dance, focusing on perfecting each movement and step. Practicing with a mirror can help you keep track of your movements and correct errors.

Example: Practice the ‘step-skip’ movement repeatedly until you can do it without having to think about it. Practice with different music and at different tempos to improve your coordination.

Step 3: Pay Attention to Your Posture

Posture is crucial in Lenggang Kangkung. Pay attention to how you hold your body and keep your back straight throughout the dance. This will not only help you look graceful, but also improves your balance during the dance.

Example: During the ‘step-skip’ movement, keep your back straight and your head up. Avoid slouching as it can throw off your balance.

Step 4: Find Music That Inspires You

Music is an important aspect of Lenggang Kangkung. Find music that inspires you and makes you want to move. Listen to the music repeatedly to familiarize yourself with the rhythm and timing of the dance.

Example: Find a traditional Indonesian folk music that has a lively and upbeat rhythm. This will help you get into the mood of the dance and add authenticity to your performance.

Step 5: Perform with Confidence

The final step in mastering Lenggang Kangkung is to perform with confidence. Once you’ve perfected the dance and feel comfortable with the movements, showcase your skills. Performing in front of others can help build your confidence and improve your technique.

Example: Find a group to perform with, or participate in a public event that showcases your skills. Performing in front of an audience will help you overcome stage fright and improve your overall performance.


Mastering Lenggang Kangkung requires time, patience, and dedication. By following these 5 easy steps, you’ll be able to learn the dance and perform with confidence. Remember to practice regularly, pay attention to your posture, and perform with passion and grace.

FAQs: 5 Easy Steps to Mastering Lenggang Kangkung

Hal-hal yang sering di tanyakan mengenai 5 Easy Steps to Mastering Lenggang Kangkung. Temukan jawabannya dibawah ini, Semoga bermanfaat & membantu 🙂

What is Lenggang Kangkung?

Lenggang Kangkung is a traditional Malay dance that originated in Malaysia and is often performed during cultural celebrations and festivals.

Is Lenggang Kangkung difficult to learn?

Although it requires some practice and coordination, Lenggang Kangkung is considered one of the easiest Malay dances to learn due to its simple steps and movements.

What are the basic steps of Lenggang Kangkung?

The basic steps include the “lenggang” or swaying motion, “kangkung” or stepping motion, and “jentik” or finger snapping motion. The dance also involves hand gestures and movements to tell a story or convey emotions.

Is Lenggang Kangkung only performed by women?

No, Lenggang Kangkung is traditionally performed by both men and women. However, depending on the event or performance, it may be more common for one gender to perform over the other.

What are some occasions where Lenggang Kangkung is commonly performed?

Lenggang Kangkung is commonly performed during cultural celebrations and festivals such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri, weddings, and other traditional Malay events. It is also performed as a form of entertainment in cultural shows or performances.


Dengan mengikuti 5 langkah mudah dalam mastering lenggang kangkung, Anda akan lebih percaya diri dalam menari dan menikmati kesenian Indonesia yang kaya akan budaya. Terima kasih telah membaca artikel ini dan sampai jumpa di artikel menarik lainnya. Jangan lupa untuk membagikan artikel ini kepada teman atau ke sosial media Anda agar kita semua dapat mengenalkan budaya Indonesia yang begitu indah ini. Selamat menari!

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